Relationship counselling or couple counselling works
to help resolve relationship problems and difficulties
between couples of any age, gender or sexual
orientation. The therapy I offer is on line using
Zoom or Skype, so we will not be in the same room
Sometimes relationship problems are longstanding
and general, sometimes they are specific and linked
to a particular event or a change in behaviour.
Relationship problems typically include:
You may feel that you and your partner do not talk together as openly or as deeply as you would like or that talking too often leads to arguments, silence or misunderstanding.
Perhaps you are not as emotionally or physically intimate as you once were or as you would like to be. Relationship problems are often accompanied by difficulties or disagreements about sex and intimacy, so relationship counselling will often include elements of sex therapy.
One or both of you may be experiencing jealous thoughts or a lack of trust in the other. This might be to do with past relationships or a more recent affair or perhaps because of different expectations or levels of commitment within the relationship.
Relationships can become stale. You may feel that you are "stuck in a rut" or that you are no longer interested in each other in the way you
once were. You may feel that you have grown apart
or that you would like to be able to bring greater
energy and enthusiasm to your relationship.
In most cases it is helpful if both partners in a
couple relationship come to counselling together,
however this is not always possible and not right for
everyone. I am therefore happy to work with
individuals as well as couples on relationship issues.
I will send you a link by email in advance of each meeting and you should click on this at the agreed time. If you are coming to therapy as a couple, you should sit together in front of a desk top, laptop or tablet computer, where both of you can see the screen and be seen clearly.
The initial assessment session is an opportunity for you to meet me and for me to hear about the relationship problems you would like to address. The initial session also enables us to decide whether we can work together. If the decision is made to continue to a course of therapy, you should expect to attend at least six sessions, although this is individually negotiable and will be reviewed regularly.
You may be asked to do some work between relationship counselling sessions. Depending on your particular situation, this could involve trying out particular approaches to communication with your partner, undertaking shared activities or negotiating changes in your relationship.
Relationship counselling is confidential. The only rare exception to this would be if I had serious reason to believe that you or someone else was at serious risk of harm.
If you are not sure whether relationship counselling is right for you, please contact me by phone or by email to discuss your situation further. Alternatively you can make an initial assessment appointment at a reduced fee if you would like to explore the options in person.
Picture 1: Couple Sitting on the Couch Having Problems in their Relationship. David CastilloDominici/ Picture 2: Couple.Mrhayata